Second Chance Summer By Phillipa Ashley

Second Chance Summer By Phillipa Ashley

From the moment Lily Harper arrives at a remote retreat on the breath-taking Scilly Isles, she is itching to get back to civilisation – and her thriving business.

Slowing down simply isn’t in her vocabulary, and so she quickly clashes with the gorgeous but dour Sam who runs the retreat.

Just as Lily is about to give up and leave, disaster strikes, and she is involved in an incident that changes her perspective on everything.

Lily is no longer sure she wants to return to the life she thought she loved. But will she have the courage to give the retreat, and Sam, a second chance?

My Thoughts:

Lily has always found it hard to sit back and relax so when something happens at work, she is forced to take a break and try to rest and recuperate. On a remote island retreat with only the hunky Sam who runs the retreat as the only other person on the island, it is pretty quiet, they don’t see eye to eye to start with but then they both realise that both of them have issues. As Lily spends more time there, she wonders if her life at home is all its cracked up to be and wonders if this retreat has given her an idea to better her future. I liked how the story flowed, the island retreat sounds wonderful and so peaceful. I liked Lily as a person and warmed to her, Sam sounded lovely and I liked how we got to see his side of the story too. Overall a great read to get stuck into.

I received an ARC copy of this book for an honest review.

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