The Grass Widow By Vanessa Edwards

The Grass Widow By Vanessa Edwards

Ditched by her married lover Hugh on the day she was made redundant, Leonie plans to make life difficult for Hugh while she searches for a new job. She inveigles her way into his house as a cleaner, intending to plant fake clues to his new liaison for his wife Amanda to find. But instead she discovers real clues to Amanda’s secrets.

Meanwhile, fellow cleaners Brenda and Tina also have hidden agendas as they work: Brenda is counting on a spot of blackmail and Tina is looking for financial information to sell to her dodgy brother-in-law.

At the centre of this web is Amanda’s gardener Simon: handsome, ruthless and plausible, with a shady past and lofty ambitions.

A death in an apparent accident arouses Leonie’s suspicions. Can she put aside her animosity towards Amanda and use her impressive – if sometimes unorthodox – investigative skills to find the truth before someone else dies?

My Thoughts:

Leonie’s life is not going right now how she wanted it to go, she has no job and her lover who is a married man doesn’t want her anymore, but she is going to get her revenge on the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. Complicated. She sets out on her revenge plot but would never in a million years find out something that his wife is hiding from him. Everyone has secrets but who is ready to admit them? I liked how the story is believable and how the characters are too, the story has been dealt with sensitively and written very well. I really thought the ending was cleverly done and I felt satisfied at the end.

I received an ARC copy of this book for an honest review.

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