Happy Birthday to Me!!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

So, it is my birthday and I am up at the crack of dawn, that is me never miss an opportunity to get some reading in before the day starts. I haven’t got much planned for today but I will sit and enjoy a book or two. There are some fantastic books out today including ones that I have read and reviewed for my lovely readers. Thanks by the way for reading my reviews, it makes my job more worthwhile. Books that are out today include The Storm By Amanda Jennings, The Weekend Away By Sarah Alderson, Kate and Clara’s Curious Cornish Craft Shop By Ali McNamara and Sisters By Michelle Frances. Check out my reviews for these fantastic books.

Another book that is out today is called Taken and it is by Lisa Stone, I hope I get it for my birthday as I am a big fan of Lisa’s who is also Cathy Glass. I love her books alot, will post pictures below of the books that I get today, hopefully I will get lots. We will see.

Anyways, enough of me waffling on, let the celebrations begin……..

Business cards my wonderful husband made for me

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